13 kids, a handful of books, and a great big ladder

The coolest thing happened this morning!!

A man with a GREAT BIG ladder came into our classroom!
At first, we kind of ignored him, but he was doing really interesting things up in the ceiling so we began to pay very close attention. He’s here because it’s been so VERY hot in our classroom…did you know two of the vents in our room blow cool air and two blow heat? It’s pretty frustrating! We get REALLY hot in the afternoons and the fan just doesn’t help enough. We haven’t heard yet if he figured out the problem, and it’s pretty warm in our room so we know he hasn’t fixed it yet.
We love to figure out tricky things so we’re going to keep paying attention to this man and his ladder.

All our new friends are at school today, so we had another mini tour of the classroom as well as going over our “For a Safe Classroom” Please Do(s) and Please Don’t(s). We also talked about The Potty 5. Ask us to tell you about the The Potty 5, we’re experts!

Thank you for helping us remember our favorite books! Six of us brought our books to share today! That’s AWESOME!! If we didn’t remember, please help us remember to bring them tomorrow and Friday. Did you know that Miss J and Miss R are going to bring their favorite books too?
We honestly don’t know who’s more excited about this unit of study, us or Miss R and Miss J!

Because of the time spent with our Please Do(s) and Don’t(s) and The Potty 5, we only shared two books today. The first was Peter Pan and the second was Charlie Hits it Big.
When we talked about why these books were the favorite of the friends who brought them here’s what we learned:
VS said: I love Peter Pan and Captain Hook and SMEE!
CS said: Charlie has the same name as me!

We read each book and then discussed what we liked about them, we’re learning more about our friends by reading their favorite books, and by experiencing different books, we are learning to better understand and respect them.
We are INCREDIBLY excited to spend time learning about books!